Dallas First Assembly of God has a wide range of ministries for you and your family to participate in, or serve. Scroll down for more info!
Equip Groups
Bible classes for all ages. Every Sunday at 9 AM.

D1 Student Ministries
D1 Student Ministries - Food, foosball, games, worship, and the Word. D1SM meets every Sunday at 5 PM. Open to grades 7-12.
Senior Adults Ministries
Senior Adult Ministry exists to give those 55 and older a place for fellowship, ministry, and service. SAM meets on the first Thursday of the month for a luncheon. SAM is a great place to make new friends and get to know each other.

Women's Group
Heart to Heart Ladies Bible Study - meets weekly at 9 AM on Tuesdays. A time of sharing praise reports and prayer requests, joy, sorrow, laughter and tears, and mainly, the word of God. Open to all Ladies.
D1AG - Nursery
Our Nursery provides dependable, safe, secure, and nurturing care to the children while at our church. Ages newborn - 2 years are welcome. Our workers have many years of experience.

Children's Church
Hope Square Children's Church features Worship and Bible Lessons designed specifically for kids from 1st - 6th grade. Joy station is our church for 4 & 5 year olds. Children church meets every week at 10:30 AM while their parents attend the main service in the sanctuary.
Girl's Ministries
Girls Ministries is to see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus. This ministry is designed for girls from 1st - 12th grade. Girls Ministries meets every Wednesday at 7 PM.

Royal Rangers
If you or your son likes camping, crafts and pinewood derbies, Royal Rangers is for you. RR is a mentoring program for future men. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment. Our mission is to evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. 1st-12th grade. Meets every Wed at 7PM.
Worship Band
Do you play an instrument? Our worship band is always open to regular (and part-time) members. Email us at [email protected] for more information about how you might fit into our praise team.